Perpetual Energy Magnetic Generator

The Benefits of Using a Perpetual Magnetic Generator

A perpetual motion magnetic generator works under the principle of moving magnetic flow for generating free electrical power. The perpetual motion magnetic technology uses dissimilar pole magnets set on an axle repelling one another, therefore causing the axle to spin in a central core of an electricity generator thereby creating free energy.

Unlike solar and windmill powers that largely depend on sun and wind to function, a perpetual motion magnetic generator runs by itself through magnets and magnetic force. These magnets provide a continued flow of free energy. It is perfect for home everyday use at any given time and weather condition. Unlike the wind and solar energy generators, magnetic generators are not affected by weather.

Magnetic generators can support an entire household and allows a saving of 30% to 100% on electricity bills. The effect varies, though, depending on the family's normal electrical consumption and the size of the setup generator as well. The magnetic device produces more energy than it actually consumes, resulting to an incessant flow and generation of electrical power. By running your electrical items from your perpetual motion generator, you will be using less energy from the power grid, resulting in a significant decrease in your electricity bills.

Homemade AC generator - "Overunity": simple self-powered mode:

The best thing about a perpetual motion magnetic generator is that they are very easy to build. There are DIY or Do-It-Yourself perpetual magnetic generator you can easily install at home without needing any professional help. Unlike the solar energy generators that normally cost thousands of dollars each to install, building a perpetual motion generator comes with only a little cost. With at least $100 for the purchase of the easy-to-find materials and a quality guide, you should have no problems building your own home made generator. The quality guide will help ensure that your generator is safely and properly built, by clearly describing all of the components required and the step by step process like when and where to put all of the little individual components. Furthermore, magnetic generators are meant to last for decades. Unlike other green energy generators, this obviously means that you won't have to spend much money in repairing every now and then. A magnetic free energy generator is indeed a long-term solution to home electrical bill issues.

Is permanent magnetic generator possible?

The magnet's attraction is real, but the repulsion is real. Normally, if you put a magnet or iron rod, move it closer to a permanent magnet, the attraction or repulsion occurs briefly, then they stop.

That can also be seen in the motive of John Bedini - the man from the 80s of the last century. He is a liar, according to the study, even though the John Bedini motor operates in a pulsed-free energy mode. But it was possible he stole it from Joseph Newman.

Image of generator John Bedini:

Perpetual Energy Magnetic Generator

John Bedini generator block diagram - energy of magnetism in pulses

When John Bedini became famous, he served as a portal guard and suppressed free energy. See the study here: 1984 Bedini Testimony disproves his Fake Lab Notes

It's just a small solution to the permanent energy engine. In fact, the permanent field generator does not use a solution that generates high frequency pulses.

Solution to get the permanent magnetic generator: Use electromagnet to permanently imbalance the system. This means the current phase deflection at the windings of the thermostat, leading to a permanent imbalance. Force is created to act as a source of kinetic energy. See details here:

Other solution: There are many other solutions to create the permanent magnetic generator. But to get another solution, we have to understand magnetism. While famous, Nobel Prize-winning physicists don't understand magnetism either. For example, Feynman (Nobel Prize Winner in Physics) was puzzled by how magnetism relates to quanta. Finally, Feynman proposed the goofy theory of virtual photons. Note: The person who understands the number 1 magnetism in the world today is Ken Wheeler. See Ken talking about other solutions for AC generators here: How To Make A Homemade Generator With Magnets

Do Magnetic generators really work?

Theoretically, the permanent magnet generator is operational. In fact, there have been many inventions of the permanent magnet generator. However, most of them are based on a permanent imbalance, which is yet to use Ether energy.

Perpetual Energy Magnetic Generator

Johnson permanent magnet motor patent number 4151431

For the most part, inventions are based on basic electrical theories, such as "what is electric current", Electron, quantum physics, Lenz's law in induction motors, etc.

They then used only two basic servings to create their invention: Newtonian physics and Faraday's electromagnet. They still lack one thing, which is Ether:

✔ The Real Nature of Tesla AC Generator

Generates Energy-On-Demand: Easy Power Plan Will Change Our World Forever

✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator
✔ Combination between generators
✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity or Free Energy, or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

Home electricity bills are perhaps the most expensive bill for every household. It is usually the second largest household expense after the mortgage. It is maybe for this reason that most people today are actively looking for ways to reduce their household electrical expenses. In line with this, many are turning into use of renewable energy in the hope of cutting their electricity bills in half or so. We all are already familiar with two of the most common forms of renewable home energy -wind energy and solar power. However, there is one other form of renewable energy for the home that most people are unaware about. It is the idea of producing free energy by using a perpetual motion magnetic generator.

Perpetual Energy Magnetic Generator  Perpetual Energy Magnetic Generator Reviewed by Re-programming Life on 7:09 PM Rating: 5

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