Orgone Generator Circuit

Orgone Generator Circuit: Free Energy and Healing

The Elite thought they have destroyed all the evidence of this device.

What the Elite did not have in sight is surfacing as we speak, on the internet.

This must be a sign from God, that the game is changing. And the shift of power is returning in the hands of the people.

With this information, spreading like wildfire on the internet. The Elite will lose billions of dollars.

Find Out The Thruth Before It's Not Too Late: The most censored free energy device out there

​P.S.: This information is being attacked, and soon may be banned.

Orgone Technology by Wilhelm Reich 

Wilhelm Reich, was born in 1897 on March 24 Galician Dobzau (current Dobrjanytschi of Ukraine), He died Nov. 3, 1957 in Rangeley, Maine, USA, worked as a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, sexologist and sociolog.Wilhelm Reich discovered in the 1930s and 1940s the presence and the ability to identify and measure etheric energy (life energy, chi, etc.) Dr. Wilhelm Reich have been able to identify and measure the presence of the essential energy (vital energy, chi, etc.), the energy which he calls orgone measured by a modified Geiger counter. Dr.. Reich determined that stacking alternating layers of fiberglass (an organic substance) and steel wool (an inorganic substance) would actually attract and collect orgone / etheric energy of both the life-beneficial positive form (which Reich called "POR") and harmful negative etheric energy ("deadly orgone" as Reich abbreviated "DOR").

Wilhelm Reich

The technology of the p.e.bal and the Nu-Me pendant owes a lot to the work of Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He was a gifted and visionary scientist that fled the Nazis to America. It was here that he discovered a form of energy which he called orgone. Orgone, Reich described, is universally present and it can be demonstrated visually, thermically, electroscopically (a device he invented to see orgone) and by means of Geiger-Mueller counters.

More importantly for our devices, Wilhelm Reich worked out how to move orgone in a big way. He discovered that if you take metal and an organic material and put it together in layers it would act as a magnet to this energy. The metal would attract the orgone and then release it to the organic material (wood or cotton usually) and then thiReich made big boxes out of layers of metal sheet and wood that he called orgone accumulators . He would put his patients inside these boxes and they would receive high doses of concentrated orgone into their bodies. Some of these patients had advanced stages of cancer and they were cured. These kinds of activities made him a controversial figure and in conflict with some powerful concerns. This was almost certainly the reason he found himself in prison where he met an early death.

Anyway, I am nearly finished with the history lesson! Much more recently, within the last three decades, people have rediscovered Reich’s work in the form of “orgonite“. This is simply metal particles suspended in hardened resin – the resin being the organic component (made from oil). Now these orgonite devices acquired a new component which Reich’s creations lacked – crystals.

Circuit diagram generates energy Orgone for health and generators

Wilhelm Reich's Orgone energy is the Ether energy, so it has many variations, along with different energy conversions. In addition to health care - healing, Orgone Energy generates electricity - this is really the secret.

Orgone Ackumolatorer

He came to creating large boxes or LADAR which he named orgone accumulators or "oracs" using this simple principle of creating layers could Reich manages to heal his patients of various ailments, including various forms of cancer, by letting them sit in accumulatern during periods. 1986 published researcher at the University of Marburg, Germany results of a blind study that showed that 30 minutes orgone accumulator treatments contributed consistently to positive psycho-physiological effects not had bevitnats with the box that consisted solely of fiberglass that had användts for a checkup. After the results had been collected wrote the researchers who had carried out the study, following "The results that have been collected during our investigation suppress the evidence and assumptions regarding orgone accumulatorns physical benefits and efficiency of man and of the human organism work with orgone accumulatorns effects performed by Dr. Reich and his employee has been found based on the collected facts exist.

Basic Orgone accumulator

Schematic cross-section of an orgone accumulator, showing its layered construction. The interior layer is ferromagnetic sheet metal, the organic-insulating layers are of high-dielectric materials.

Basic Orgone accumulator

Orgone accumulation kit for health care and treatment

Reich believed that orgone energy, accumulated in his instrument, would instigate intense recuperative potentiality for whomever may choose to enter. Such a person increases the circulation of his or her own naturally produced bioelectrical radiation and is simultaneously immersed in a concentration of atmospheric radiation that is attracted by the materials of the accumulator. The orgone in the body of the participating subject is in dynamic exchange with that of the accumulator and their shared environment.

For Reich, his instrument was a self-sufficient system of transformation. A constant higher temperature, slower electroscopic discharge, and higher rate of electrical impulses in the accumulator proffered adequate registration of orgone’s presence. He determined that orgone is “capable of developing a motor force.”1 Thus, Reich believed that he, through the orgone energy accumulator, had summarily invalidated the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

The accumulator originated, in a way, when Reich began his studies as a prized pupil of Sigmund Freud in interwar Vienna. However, in 1929, Reich wrote, to the great discomfort of his colleagues of both psychoanalytic and Marxist stripes, that, “Because psychoanalysis, unless it is watered down, undermines bourgeois ideology, and because, furthermore, only a socialist economy can provide a basis for the free development of intellect and sexuality alike, psychoanalysis has a future only under socialism.”3 Both groups would promptly excommunicate Reich. Later, the accumulator stood as the central grievance in the Food and Drug Administration’s injunction against Reich; the instrument would, in effect, catalyze its inventor’s death in an American prison.

Blueprints from plans for constructing an orgone energy accumulator published by the Wilhelm Reich Museum, derived from the original design by Wilhelm Reich (1940):

Orgone accumulation kit for health care and treatment

Reich stipulated in his will that his documents were to remain sealed, against “anyone interested in the falsification and destruction of historical truth,” until 50 years following his death. November 3, 2007 delivered this occasion. The accumulator accumulates, so to speak, a curious life — or, rather, after-life — as an instrument and a monument rejected by both discursive and institutional regimes.

This laboratory in which our object of consideration now stands, like an agitated monolith, is itself lined with alternating layers of common plywood, steel wool, and conventional household insulation. Six layers in all. Galvanized sheet metal lines its interior space.

I have been describing one of Reich’s original accumulators, now housed, among others of its kind, in the Orgone Room at the Wilhelm Reich Museum. In short, we are in a mise-en-abyme: our part-instrument, part-monument is within a site reproducing the structure of the object itself, like the dynamic exchange between the perceiving and perceived subject, the accumulator and its expanded field. “Nothing, it would seem, could possibly give this object the right to lay claim to whatever one might mean by the category sculpture. Unless, that is, the category can be made to become almost infinitely malleable.”

Improved Orgone accumulator:

Living organisms are simply more intelligent than light bulbs that constantly radiate their energy. Living organisms turn into Laser whenever there is feedback possible, either when the environment reflects its own energies like in the Orgone accumulator or with the Bioresonance-LaesEr or when there are other living organisms close by that facilitate this feedback loop. This explains why we like to be in the company of friends  especially of the opposite sex – the energetic feedback is turned on .

The structure of the Orgone Accumulator walls is principally identical to those or other electromagnetic reflectors like in optical interference filters and in fact performs the same purpose. With the Bioresonance-LaesEr it is for the first time possible to measure the wave-length of these living-organism emanations which I know are electromagnetic in nature, while currently the thickness of Orgone accumulator layers is not scientifically adjusted to the actual bio-field wavelength.

Buy some Orgone energy equipment for health care:  Orgone Energy Generator

Orgone accumulator diagram generates electricity

Orgone energy pyramid generator diagram:

Orgone energy pyramid generator diagram
Samu pyramid make "Layer Cake" (sm.kartinu) the most important thing is the order of the layers on the outside, "non-metal" (dry cardboard, plastic, etc.) and in aluminum foil. The number of "layers of the pie" in proportion to the resulting effect, and of "granite" helps thickness "non-metal" and the sheer size of the pyramid - does that affect "the frequencies used" pyramid - ie larger building - the stronger the effect, as the "big sailing."

Granite stones wrapped in foil:

If lazy glue layer by layer. You can simply make a pyramid of wood veneer. But all the same, each granite stone should be wrapped in plastic foil. Further foil walls significantly enhances the effect.


What is stud M12? Pin M12- is structural steel bolt. M12 - a metric thread 12mm.

Should the foil in contact with the gravel? The one that "the wall of the pyramid - NO !!! themselves" stones "- yes, that is, they like candy wrapped in foil - it's like, how baked potatoes in foil. Do I need to short-circuit the interconnect layers of foil in the wall ?? ?? NO !!!!!!!!!!! All makes accurate figure on the wall !!! foil must not come into contact with the bottom of the grounded plate.

Signatures where the picture is clear - but where to get the granite? Go out - granite chips completely around - our favorite gravel. Or gather up near a construction site. It should be well washed granite chips from dirt and dry well.

Collect "dry."

- "Filling" inside layer to the "granite chips" - you can play with sand, plaster if not, but you can not sleep - the effect will still be ...

-Some Effect will even be in a 'pin just inside "(you can just connect the wiring to the inner layer of foil) and an empty pyramid standing on conductive podstavke-" earth. "

- Orientation to play - an interesting experience.

And a photo of the prototype with granite:

Where the bottom right (+) and (-) - to connect a "tester" (voltage measurement) and look at the result. Different values for different versions - but you can get 1.2--2.5Volta with pyramid approximately 20cm. Should be enough to power a small clock and a radio ... And if a large pile up - and then more ...

I deliberately did not complicate "experience" - because the real "granite capsules" need to do a little wrong, but this is for a stronger effect - those who want to produce desktop toys "pyramid-energy source."

For those who understand how the world works - that of pasture material lying under their feet, and knowledge is able to create "eternal spring.

Orgone power generator diagram is prohibited

The elite don't want us to know this type of device, so it seems to be missing. According to my research, this is a way of generating electricity by dielectric reflection to generate high energy.

About Orgone energy generator:

Download Orgone Generator Circuit - Orgone power generator diagram:
The Elite thought they have destroyed all the evidence of this device.

What the Elite did not have in sight is surfacing as we speak, on the internet.

This must be a sign from God, that the game is changing. And the shift of power is returning in the hands of the people.

With this information, spreading like wildfire on the internet. The Elite will lose billions of dollars.

Find Out The Thruth Before It's Not Too Late: The most censored free energy device out there

​P.S.: This information is being attacked, and soon may be banned.

Orgone Generator Circuit Orgone Generator Circuit Reviewed by Re-programming Life on 4:17 AM Rating: 5

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